16 Dec 2019


   If you are a woman then I'm sure at some point  you've experienced some trouble down there.From an itch,foul smell ,rashes,to a bothering discharge.And if you've never,chances are you might.Below are some of the observations you should  be Keen on.

1: Have a gynecologist- Make sure to often involve screenings and checkups in your schedules.Some infections may cause huge problems if not detected early.

2: Ditch that undewear -Why do people suffocate themselves? Never let anyone crucify you for going commando,but if you can't then make sure to take it off at night.Your lady parts need to breath .Also avoid wearing tight clothes to bed. Again,if you have to wear the undies,make sure they are dry and well aerated.So it's time you took them out of your bathroom.

3: Wiping from front to back after washroom visits- This is hard and uncomfortable but it will keep away the bacterias causing infections.

4: Include unsweetened yorghuts in your diets- They have live and active cultures for health ph levels. It helps in curbing yeast infections too.Also remember to keep your water bottle near.

5:Have a specific/ dry towel - Everytime I talk to people into buying a vagina towel,they end up making fun but it's one of the most important items you can own.

6: Never hold pee -The next time you feel like peeing,just run and let it out.Or else you will be encouraging  bacteria build up which may lead to urinary tract infections and kidney diseases.

7: Always practise safe sex - Did you know some infections,urinary tract infection  to be precise is so easily  and unknownily transmitted through  sex?

8: Washings your hands before visiting the washroom- Your hands are prone to so many endangering germs,and you may end up accidently touching yourself.

9: Do self tests- You need to know what happens inside your body.Check yourself often and smell your clothes/ parts if you have to.You need to know how to detect if there's something wrong going on.Even if it's not huge.

10: Avoid sitting on public toilet seats and also be careful  with splashes.

   Always remember that  regardless of being celibate you are still prone to some infections.There will always be cases like pregnancies,period cycles,medications,etc that  will lead to hormonal changes.So it's time  people ,especially men stopped being ignorant.